A blister – Satanism among politicians

Two weeks ago Slovak politicans were caught performing a Satanic ritual. The reason they were caught during the Satanic mass was the fire caused by the numerous candles which were used during the ceremony. The firefighters came right when our president Ivan Gašparovič was “swallowing the last bits” on a child being “sacrificed to the devil”. Other prominent figures present were Ivan Mikloš, František Mikloško, Vladimír Palko, Zlatica Puškarova, Monika Flašikova-Beňova, Fedor Flašik and others. The police hushed up the entire incident. The satanic politicians were immediately released.

It is said that the head of this Satanist group was Ján Čarnogursky, up until the moment of his mysterious disappearance. Since that time the new Satanist leader is his son.

Even the United States became involved in the case: in exchange for ensuring that the case is covered up, president Ivan Gašparovič was instructed to make sure that Slovakia supported the independence of Kosovo, and the construction of an anti-missile defense and radar system in the Czech Republic and Poland.
Directly afterwards the United States sent two agents to Slovakia to investigate the entire matter (since the case even involves the trafficking of children) but as with this whole affair even they succumbed to corruption, both on the part of the president and other participants in this case.


SLOVENSKY (Slovak version)